Sunday, September 30, 2012

Web Assignment #2

1. Daguerrotype was the first commercially successful photographic process. The surface resembled a mirror and the image was made directly on the silvered surface. The Daguerrotype were prominent through the 1850s. The Daguerrotype replaced the camera obscura.

2. The albumen print was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photographic print.
The main "ingredient" of the albumen process is found in egg whites.
The albumen print died out in the mid-19th  century

3. A stereograph is a picture that depicts its subject so that it appears solid. The stereograph was popular  between 1854 and 1856.

4. A carte de viste was a type of small photograph that was patented in Paris. Carte de viste's were used for greeting cards.

5. Mathew Brady and Alexander Gardener were booth 19th century photographers. They were both notable for photography American Civil War scenes.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nicéphore Niépce

Nicéphore Niépce is famous for shooting the world's first known photograph, a blurry photo of a rooftop image in 1824. This image was called the "View from the window at Le Gras."